Level 2 soon?

I know I've said this before but Level 2 should be coming soon now. See the problem I faced after releasing this game initially was that level 2 was (and still is) set in the woods/forest of Twin Peaks. The issue was that every time I tried to get the forest to look right in this really old engine - it just never got to a point where I liked it no matter what I did. Recently, while taking a break from working on my 3rd game, I made the decision to just accept that the woods are never going to look perfect. So the plan right now is to fix things as best I can (I even fixed the garmonbozia that enemies leave behind already so that it looks right and I also fixed the Great Northern Hotel key). Once I'm happy with the way the wall textures look, I have a small bit of the level I want to rearrange/update/change and then I have to change some of Leo Johnson's animations but other than that - I'm pretty close to actually releasing Level 2. 

I know it's been a while so please just try to be patient a little while longer. I'm hoping to update the game by the end of January with Level 2 but I won't make a promise since I've said I was going to add this level multiple times now. But I am finally at a place where I just want you all to be able to experience the level even if it doesn't live up to my weird expectations. So keep an eye out for an update, the next one SHOULD hopefully add some new content finally. 

Get Twin Peaks 3D

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